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My Favourite BookTubers...

I'm not really one for social media, in fact I find it quite challenging as I'm not the most confident person. However, I love to watch BookTube! These BookTubers always give me my fix of books and I like them for their diverse interests. Yes, there is some content crossover, especially during the book awards season but rarely do these independent readers have the exact same feelings towards what they are reading. My addiction to their channels does nothing for my ever-growing tbr list but I can deal with that.

In no particular order, here is a list of my favourite book addicts...

Savidge Reads

I think Simon's channel was my introduction to BookTube and I loved his style straight away. He's candid, honest, and reads a great range of diverse books. His manner is charming and witty and I just love him. His approach to books and reading is thoughtful and always fun and he is never afraid to speak his mind. I can't quite help but admire the decor of his home library - it's gorgeous!

Books With Emily Fox

I love Emily Fox. Simple. She always makes me smile and has a great sense of humour about herself and what she reads. I particularly enjoy her channel as she she reads a lot of backlist books which is a breath of fresh air when you see the newest titles mentioned again and again on other channels and instagram. She picks up a lot of second hand books from library sales and online outlets which makes a change from all the shiny new release images out there.

Lauren and the Books

I think you'll be hard pressed to find anyone else as enthusiastic as Lauren. Her channel is a delight and always brings a smile to my face with her big smile and general bubbly persona. A real sweetheart, Lauren reads a range of diverse books and donates many unwanted books to the Diabetes charity where she works or her sister's secondary school classroom. As a secondary English teacher myself, I really appreciate that! I also love when David, Lauren's partner, pops up.

Jean Bookish Thoughts

Jean is a PhD student currently in the midst of researching and writing on the subject of Classics (the antiquity kind, not the Dickens kind). I'm not sure how she manages to juggle work, PhD, teaching, podcasting and BookTubing but she does. Jean loves a bit of fantasy and I have recently bought a couple of Juliet Marillier books because of her sheer enthusiasm for the author!

Jen Campbell

Jen is an absolute treasure and a truly positive find. Jen is a writer and reviewer who writes and reads diversely and is an advocate for disability in literature and life in general. As a wheelchair user I find Jen such a particularly positive influence. She has such a calm and thoughtful manner and I find her poetry suggestions interesting and I'm reading more poetry now than ever.

Ink and Paper Blog

I've only recently come across Russel over at Ink and Paper Blog but I really look forward to his new posts. He reads a range of books, most of which I haven't heard of so it makes a change from a lot of the content I watch and read. He's definitely one to follow.

If you can suggest any new channels for me please leave a comment as I'm always on the lookout for more content to watch.

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