Another night of not sleeping and not feeling tired. Tomorrow will be another day of tiredness and caffeine. Today marked a rather big achievement for me. I took action. I culled the bookcases in my study. Boxes of books will be passed on to my local second hand bookshop (Harrowden Books in Finedon, Northants) or if they're not wanted there I shall take them to one of the local charity shops. I'm fortunate enough to have a study of my own where I house all my books and craft gear. Open the wardrobe door at your peril because you're likely to be crushed under the weight of meters of unused fabric and cutting implements.
There are lots of changes going on in my personal life and it just felt time. I even have gaps in the shelves now...soon to be filled by the overspill I house downstairs. But still, things are moving! I became very precious of my books after a devastating flood at my old house in Canterbury. I lost 270 books and tearfully catalogued every one of them for the insurance company. Since then I've bought books until the room was almost groaning under the weight of whatever I've been able to get my hands on. I have removed all books that I didn't enjoy or will never get to because I just don't want to, and the best thing is, it felt great. A declutter was much needed. Now I need to keep it up and stop hoarding. Also, maybe I should stop double buying. If I have the ebook then that's all I need. I don't need the hardback, the paperback, the ebook and the audio (yes, it has been known to happen).

I haven't quite finished re-organising but I already feel so much lighter. I'm trying not to think about the sadness of my wallet as a ridiculous amount of money goes down the drain. I keep telling myself they will go to a good home.
This is an example of a few of the shelves. There are another six larger floor to ceiling bookcases which are now much happier and less bent!

Once the finishing touches are done,I'll take some more photos. I feel comfortable in there again and I can actually use it for work purposes. I don't have to manoeuvre around stacks on the floor and it feels reclaimed as 'my' space. I've even allowed my daughter two whole shelves for her books, what a good Mum I am! She actually needs a third so we'll see what I can move about tomorrow.
Everyone needs a potato rock! To be honest I have no idea where it came from. It feels good though especially as I had another book delivery today to fill in the gaps!
I feel ashamed that's what my book shelves look like, to be honest even worse than that and I don't have a potato...rock , but that is an impressive sorting operation and obviously looks much better
Great blog xx