I love books and I truly believe books love me. It is a wonderful relationship full of mutual respect and they just sit there all beautiful needing my attention which I am so desperate to give. The only problem with this relationship is that I am greedy. I am so greedy. I. Need. More. Books. All the time and it's getting a little crazy.
Please cast your eyes over these beauties. Hardbacks, paperbacks, short stories, poetry, essays, fiction, non fiction - you name it, I've got it. And this doesn't include the hundreds on kindle and those stacked on floor to ceiling bookcases on the four walls in my study.
I have a problem and my problem is, I can't keep up! I try book the regular embargo, only using my library (then they have a sale), not watching BookTube or looking at Instagram but the power of the book is simply too great for me. Sometimes I even buy the same book in multiple formats, Kindle, audio and paper/hardback...WHY? I'm hopeless. I must try harder and achieve my goal. Perhaps I should limit myself to a particular number of purchased books in one month I would say perhaps one? But then that's about my average monthly read total so mount TBR will never diminish. Or I should set a financial limit! Actually budget books in and not go over that amount. This way I can buy but not too many. I'm sure my bank balance would breathe a sigh of relief. Yes, I think I have convinced myself of this. I think I am going to set a £30 monthly spend limit. No, £25. That's not much is it (when actually I know that it's still too much) ? Now I'm panicking. I'll have a think.
I'm going to stroke and sniff some books just to calm my nerves...